Meningitis - Nursing Implementation, Evaluation and Discharge Planning

Nursing Implementation

Implementation is the initiative of a plan of action to achieve a specific goal. (Nursalam, 2001)

This stage is the fourth stage in the nursing process, therefore implementation began after an action plan formulated and refer to the appropriate scale plan of action is urgent and not urgent.

In the implementation of the action there are three stages that must be passed, namely preparation, planning, and documentation (Nursalam, 2001 quoted from Griffit 1968).

1. Preparation phase, include:
  • Review anticipation nursing actions.
  • Analyze the knowledge and skills required.
  • Knowing the complications that may arise.
  • Preparation tool.
  • Preparation of a conducive environment.
  • Identify the legal and ethical aspects.
2. Intervention phase, include:
  • Independent: actions taken by nurses without instructions or orders of doctors and other health care team.
  • Interdependent: nurse actions that require cooperation with other health team (nutrition, doctors, laboratories, and others).
  • Dependent: associated with medical treatment or indicate where medical treatment is done.
3. Documentation phase
  • Is a complete and accurate record of the actions that have been implemented. In the implementation of nursing care actions on the client, the nurse can act as executor of nursing, give support, educators, advocacy, and recording / data collection.


Evaluation is one of the planned and systematic comparison of the client's health status (Griffit and Cristensen, 1986). While Ignativicius and Bayne 1994 said evaluation is an intellectual action to complete the nursing process that indicates how far nursing diagnosis, plan of action and its implementation has been achieved.

Evaluation consists of two types of formative evaluation and summative evaluation. Formative evaluation is also called the evaluation process, the evaluation of short-term, or evaluation runs, where the evaluation carried out immediately after nursing actions performed until the goal is reached. While summative evaluation is called the evaluation result, the final evaluation, evaluation of the long-term. The evaluation was conducted at the end of the plenary nursing actions performed and become a method of monitoring the quality and efficiency preformance given action. This evaluation forms typically use the format "SOAP" (Nursalam, 2001).

The purpose of evaluation is to regain feedback nursing plan, the value and improve the quality of nursing care through the comparison of pre-determined standards.

Discharge Planning

Plan provided to clients and families are as follows:
  1. As health professionals, we provide an explanation to the client's family, when his son raised signs and symptoms such as unconsciousness, seizures, fever and slow pulse to immediately go to the nearest health center or directly to a large hospital.
  2. Instruct the client to comply with the treatment regimen required to take medication appropriate screening and follow-up report.
  3. Advise the client to participate in preventive measures, eg encouraging the individuals in close contact to report themselves for examination.
  4. Increasing consumption of nutrients and protein and consume vitamins that increase body strength.

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